Researcher Resources

Who We Work With

What We Fund


Clinical Trials

A clinical study with osteosarcoma patients is the culmination and ultimate test for often years of translational science work. We prioritize novel approaches that have strong preclinical rationales and utilize an innovative trial model that allows a rapid readout of effectiveness.


Correlative Science

Clinical trials are focused on determining whether an experimental therapy works so they usually do not include funding to study why the treatment does or does not work. Such correlative studies can add a valuable additional level of understanding to inform future development.


Preclinical/Translational Studies

Osteosarcoma is a complex, poorly understood cancer. We seek out projects that will generate seminal preclinical biological insights and suggest new ways to attack the disease.



This grant program is for bold new ideas that may fall within any part of a drug development path, and that seek to deliver curative outcomes to patients with osteosarcoma.

Katherine Janeway, MD, OSI Strategic Advisory Board member, treating a patient

Annual Grants

The Osteosarcoma Institute’s 2024-2025 Grant Cycle is closed for Clinical Trials, Correlative Science, Preclinical/Translational, and High-Risk/High-Impact grant programs. The LOI submission deadline was in November 2024. Grant winners will be notified in summer 2025. You may download the 2024-2025 OSI Grant Cycle Guidance document below that provides full details on the application process. Our 2025-2026 Grant Cycle will open in late summer 2025 with updated Grant Cycle Guidance, and Letter of Intent submissions will be due in Fall 2025. Please check back on this site in late August. 

Discretionary Grants

The OSI Strategic Advisory Board members include physicians and basic science researchers who are continually introduced to innovative ideas and technologies at medical meetings and research conferences, or within the halls of their own institutions. If an intriguing idea is far enough along, its champion can be encouraged to apply for a grant from the OSI. But often times such an idea is in a nascent stage and needs a relatively small but timely investment to establish its feasibility for further development in osteosarcoma. The OSI has established a discretionary grant program to pursue these opportunities. On the spot grants of up to $25,000 can be nimbly authorized by committees of our SAB. To inquire about discretionary grants, please email a 1-2 page summary of your project to

Off-Cycle Grants

Our annual grant application window closes in late October. While our annual process constitutes the primary OSI grantmaking mechanism, we recognize that not all projects are compatible with that time frame; accordingly, we consider off-cycle proposals on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested in an off-cycle proposal, please contact us with a 1-2 page summary about your proposed project and include why it is time sensitive.